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Searched for: all of the terms [ sidney ] [ homan ] in author name
10 results found
  1. The Interactive Theater of Video Games: The Gamer as Playwright, Director, and Actor cover
  2. Snapshots of a Shakespearean in China cover
  3. Bringing Shakespeare to Young People, and Young People to Shakespeare cover
  4. Introduction: “What Have You Learned Today?” cover
  5. <italic>Shakespeare's Comedies: From Roman Farce to Romantic Mystery</italic> by Robert Ornstein (review) cover
  6. Butoh Medea cover
  7. On Two Premiers by Ariel Rivka Dance cover
  8. <i>From Story to Stage: The Dramatic Adaptation of Prose Fiction in the Period of Shakespeare and his Contemporaries</i> by Max Bluestone (review) cover
  9. The Uses of Silence: The Elizabethan Dumb Show and the Silent Cinema cover
  10. <i>“Their Form Confounded”: Studies in the Burlesque Play from Udall to Sheridan</i> by Robert F. Willson, Jr (review) cover